California Triathlon Skills Camp

California Triathlon is pleased to offer 1-day Skills Camps throughout the U.S. Typically they are held the day before a race. This is a skills camp and not an endurance camp so participants aren’t overly fatigued. They do walk away a better triathlete!
Here is a list of all the items we will be working on during camp:
- Swim Mechanics
- Swim Analysis
- V02 Max Bleep Test
- Form Running
- 4 Floors of Core
- Bike Handling
- Transition Clinic
- Heart Rate Training / Maffetone
- Periodization
- “A Race” Planning
Thank you so much for the information you sent, but even more for the great clinic you ran over the weekend. There was so much valuable knowledge gained and I really enjoyed meeting everyone. I am so excited that I was able to complete the dismount that you taught us in the race without falling on my face! 🙂 The improvement in bike handling skills helped a lot with my confidence on the bike and I’m looking forward to practicing all the things you showed us.
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