2024 Cal Tri Austin Recap

2024 Cal Tri Austin Recap

2024 Cal Tri Austin – 4.7.24 was a fantastic kick off to the season! With great weather and amazing volunteers, the race was a perfect opportunity for our athletes to shine.  For all races, the website is always the best bet for race information. Schedules,...
2024 Cal Tri Events Water Temps & Weather Forecast

2024 Cal Tri Events Water Temps & Weather Forecast

2024 CAL TRI EVENTS WATER TEMPERATURE & WEATHER FORECAST. The forecast provided is just that, a forecast.  It is the best guidance we have months in advance relative to the expected air and water temperature on race day at a particular venue. We measure the water...
$100 Cal Tri Events Referral Program

$100 Cal Tri Events Referral Program

Get up to a $100 refund on your race registration when 4 or more athletes use your referral code to register for the race. See the instructional video for details on using your unique...
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